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1500 photos uploaded!

by Martin Thoene last modified Feb 03, 2008 12:00 PM
1500 photos uploaded!

Botia Kubotai

As of February 2008, there are 1500 loach photos in just the Species Profiles section of the site, plus more for the loach articles.

Thanks to all the contributors, old and new, and keep snapping people! The more high-quality photographs we get, the  greater the resource this site becomes for identification purposes.

There are fish pictures in aquariums, in their natural habitat, pictures of the places the fish were caught and other pictures of interest. Many of these are supplied by the people who go out and catch the fish in the wild. They provide valuable first-hand knowledge for all of us.

There is insufficient room on the page to show all of the available photos for each Species Profile, so if you click on the Image Search icon at bottom left of each profile, it will bring up thumbnails of all available photos.

Happy viewing!

Martin Thoene.

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