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Syncrossus reversa

by Martin Thoene last modified Dec 15, 2006 08:45 PM


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Scientific name: Syncrossus reversa (Roberts, 1989)

Common name: None

Synonyms: Botia reversa

Distribution: Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia

Sexual Dimorphism: Mature females probably have a rounder abdomen.

Maximum size: 5 Inches (12.8cm)

Similar to: Other Syncrossus species

Syncrossus reversa

Care: Keep in a large sized aquarium, ideally measuring at least 4ft long to start with, and be prepared to move the fish on to bigger quarters as they grow. The substrate must be fine and sandy in order to protect the delicate sensory barbel area. Provide plenty of hiding places in the aquarium amongst bogwood, caves, and plants. Clean, well-aerated water is a must.

Feeding: Will accept most brands of dry sinking catfish pellets, but should be offered a variety of frozen foods to supplement the diet - mosquito larvae and brineshrimp are usually taken with much enthusiasm. Larger specimens will take mysis shrimp, krill and chopped prawns.

Water parameters: pH: 7.0 or below Hardness: Soft and slightly acidic is best Max dH: <12 degrees.

Temperature: 77ºF to 86ºF (25-30°C)

Breeding: Not known to have been bred in aquaria.


A large member of the Tiger Botia group, which lives in fast-flowing hillstreams. Like it's close relatives, is of an aggressive nature and not suitable for community aquariums. This species, like other Syncrossus, must be maintained in groups of 5 or more in order to spread any aggression and to allow the fish to form a natural hierarchy.

Tankmates must be robust and fast-swimming, for example, some of the more gregarious medium-large sized members of the barb or Danio families. Can be kept with other aggressive loach species such as Syncrossus helodes, S. berdmorei, Yasuhikotakia morleti etc.

For more information see: Telling Tigers Apart - The Syncrossus Group of Loaches

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