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Barbucca diabolica

by Martin Thoene last modified Nov 12, 2006 10:38 PM


Scientific name: Barbucca diabolica (Roberts, 1989)

Common name: None

Synonyms: None

Distribution: Malay peninsula (Johore) and western Borneo (Kapuas)

Sexual Dimorphism: Not known

Maximum size: 1 inch (2.5 cm)

Similar to: None

Barbucca diabolica

Care: Lives in small, forested streams and backwaters. The aquarium should aim to match these conditions with good filtration and some flow. Subdued lighting.

Feeding: Feeds on small invertebrates, algae and detritus in nature. Should eat most proprietary aquarium foods, supplemented by live and frozen foods.

Water parameters: pH: 6.5 - 7.0 Hardness: Medium Max dh: 12

Temperature: 75- 82.4ºF (24-28 °C)

Breeding: Not bred in aquaria


Barbucca was erected as a monotypic genus by Tyson Roberts in 1989, with Barbucca diabolica as the only species.

Very little information is available on this tiny, beautifully marked loach.

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