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Schistura multifasciata

by Martin Thoene last modified Nov 28, 2006 09:51 PM


Schistura multifasciata

Scientific name: Schistura multifasciata (Banarescu & Nalbant, 1995)

Common name: None

Synonyms: Nemacheilus multifasciatus, Nemacheilus multifasciatus, Noemacheilus multifasciatus

Distribution: Northern India

Sexual Dimorphism: None known. Females probably plumper.

Maximum size: Not known, probably 3 to 4 inches (8 -11cm)

Similar to: Other Schistura species

Care: Typical heavy bodied Schistura species. The aquarium should have a decent flow rate and be well-oxygenated. Provide piles of large pebbles or slate to create hiding places. The rest of the aquarium base should have smooth rounded pebbles and sand or fine grained gravel with reasonably bright lighting.

Please see Hillstream Loaches: Specialists at Life in the Fast Lane for a more detailed explanation.

Feeding: Most foods accepted. Commercial sinking formulations and bottom-dwelling live-foods. Frozen foods such as Bloodworm/Brine shrimp.

Water parameters: pH: 6.0-7.5 Hardness: Soft-medium. Max dh: 12

Temperature: 68ºF to 77 ºF (18-25°C)

Breeding: Not known in aquarium.


Schistura multifasciata is territorial and a group should be housed in an aquarium featuring multiple hiding places and decor designed to break line of sight between territories. Do not house with delicate species.

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